
if you want your dream became reality,just make it, and ignore what people say to you.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

penat menunggu lebih baek dprd mengutuk,,,btol x???

semalam aku baru jer abes drpd cncrt hari belia,,,,huhhhhhhhh,,,penat,,tggu 10 jam semata-mata suju,,hahahha,,memang gila,,,sampai hari nie aku penat,,,,sukeeee sgt,,hahahhaah,,,,tp e2la,,lps balek jer drpd sane aku xsukew,,,bile aku bukak twitter yaAllah,,,ini ke artis malaysian yg penuh sopan,,sopan kew,,,i sebagai malaysian pon malu,,,,,,,tp erm,,,,,,sowy 2 sayla,,,tp mmg kenyataan,,kowg nak taw,,,,

ini artis comel2 g2 yg ckp,,,AF,,,
Kelazzzz Kementerian Belia dan Sukan. Hari Belia Negara Malaysia, Artiste Korea Perform!! syabas KBS!!!
one day they will respect MALAYSIAN more!! The day will come..
that y i xnak buat event tu.dah lah budget dibawah piawaian.. tak tau lah.kita dah merdeka but still dijajah. i know how u feel
Let me explain.. i tak Anty KPOP. tp sama2 terasa bila Artiste Malaysia di double standart di Putrajaya
tak kisah jugak nak bawa sapa perform di Malaysia sbb kita semua flexible. tp Jgn lah anak watan di tolak kiri dan kanan..
dan malas lah nak ambil tau sangat... ermmm kalau Black eye peace ke beyonce ke rihana dtg kan best :) peace KPOP lover!!! jgn marah2 xbaik
whatever lah!!! as a human we have The right to say what we want.. if u like it follower.if not just unfollow.. simple rules..peace no war!

yg ni plak,,muke arts nie agk comel,,tp erm,,comel ke mulut nye dgn kate katenye:
Ramai nye makhluk tuhan!!mamat2,minah2 korea ni!mcm2 brg da kt dlm ni!arigatok!
Npe xde yg mcm muka pelakon2 korea kt tv tu?semua mcm.. Hhhhhh aaaaa mmmmm pppp eeee hhhhh......
Bodoh la!lebih2 kan artis korea!puk***********!!!smpai toilet pun x le guna!
Nmpaknye ade org MALAYSIA x sedar diri!kat mana drg d lahir kan!maksud aku bukan nk kutuk kPop!mslhnye npe penganjur wt artis MALAYSIA cmni?

erm,,yg niee,,,arts nie mate dye sepet,,,melayu,,,,erm,,aku malu,,,:
Bilik rehat yang tulis local artist room ni penuh ngan penari korea, apa kes?
Pastu koreans ni suma tengok muka tak puas hati... Lempang nak?
Ni apa kes? Nak kencing tapi tak boleh pakai toilet sebab tu toilet super junior... Aku nak kencing kat muka super junior boleh?
Ok habis first set... Super junior star pukul 10 start ye... Skang sengal beramai2... Saya ada lagi lepas korea ni bersama artis lain
Skang kami malaysians dihalau pulang ke negara asal... Backstage semua milik kerajaan korea.. Tulah korang dok agung2kan artis luar sangat..
Rabak dah ni.... Hurm... Ada lagi 12 lagu pas super junior, pas tu kristal n hujan... Rabak.
Gi mampos sama kau!! Kau tak tau kitorang kena layan camner toksah bising.. Aku pun pernah perform ngan org negara lain xde mcm suju kau tu
Kalau dah salah tu, salah jugak... Suju yang personally request kitorang blah masa dia datang... Toilet tu pun dtg dr suju..
Kitorang bukan nak berlagak diva tapi sebagai manusia, apa perasaan anda bila toilet takleh guna??
Hei aku tak against spesifik negara, tapi bila org luar nak halang aku nak buat nature's call, aku marah.. Aku bukan artis, aku musician..
Nak kencing kat negara sendiri pun tak boleh??? Itu masalahnya!!! Korang pikirlah sampai lebam!!!

ini MC yg mulut mmg xde insurance lbh..kete pon ade insurans: Aku punya suka la nak sokong @Mila_Jirin ! Ko hanjjj mana yg nak menyalak dlm twit aku? Berambusssss k????

owg ckp baek2,,dikatakan anjing,,kate jgn sapew lg biadap....btw,,,xjumpa tandas,,mcm xsolat jer,,,,,pkla,,,,exxgrtae cter,,,tandas jauh,,,I dtg dari jauh,,jumpa jer tnds lagi dekat,,,i bukan pew,,,I ckp camnie,,sbb sebelah surau 2 tandas,,so,,pk2la,,,

Monday, May 16, 2011

ryeowook love so much when some fans do a pic couple between him n kyuhyun sweetie,,,캬~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 사랑해요...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

kyuhyun stories

pada satu hari,ryeowook n kyuhyun oppa sedang berjalan di Taiwan...diowang menghabeskan masa diowg lepas abes schedule ngan pegi theme park,,,,dan tmpt len2,,lagi,,,satu hari,,kyuhyun terpiker nak bukak bisnes,,,so die kongsikan la hasrat dye 2 pada hyungnim yg hampeh ryeowook..nak taw die jwb apew???,,e2,,,sedap ngan mknn dye..heheh..cute oppa...nak taw ape rncng kyuhyun lps nie...stay tuneeeee,,,,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

eunHae I waNNa lOvE U


Eunhae: I wanna love you, I wanna have you

Eunhyuk: Yeah listen! Baby to me, baby looking at my eyes
I caught my breath the second I looked at you
Why do you leave me and go so far away (slowly further away)
My person (no matter what other people say)

Donghae: You are my girl (I want to tell it loudly)
Eunhae: As long as I can see you I'll be okay
Eunhyuk: Now I'll be protecting you.
Donghae: Baby you know because

Eunhae: I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Eunhyuk: Close your eyes and only hold onto my hands
Eunhae: I wanna have you, I really need you
Eunhyuk: Like this we don't need to care about anything else

Eunhae: I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Eunhyuk: You only need to be close to me
Eunhae: I wanna have you, belong to you
Eunhyuk: I promise that my everything will belong to you.

Donghae: What is that guy, he can't even protect you
Don't keep waiting, no, don't keep waiting forever
Don't stand by his side, he's not the right one for you
My person (my person, yeah) you're my girl (you're my girl)

Eunhae: As long as I can see you I'll be okay
Donghae: Now I'll protect you
Eunhae: Baby you know because
I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Donghae: Close your eyes and only hold onto my hands

Eunhae: I wanna have you, I really need you
Donghae: Like this don't care about anything else
Eunhae: I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Donghae: You only need to be close to me
Eunhae: I wanna have you, belong to you
Donghae: I promise that my everything will belong to you.

Eunhyuk: Yo excuse me mister,
I feel mad, go away, I want to slowly go to that girl's side
Donghae: What are you to toy around with our love in your palms
Looking in the girl's eyes and hearing her say 'I want to be with you'
Eunhyuk: It doesn't matter if you live or die, you won't be able to have that girl

Donghae: Now take my hand
Eunhyuk: No, you have to come to my side
Donghae: I love you more than him
Eunhyuk: Let me protect you
Donghae: At this moment
Eunhae: I can't live without you

Eunhae: I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Eunhyuk: Close your eyes and only hold onto my hands
Eunhae: I wanna have you, I really need you
Eunhyuk: Like this we don't need to care about anything else

Eunhae: I wanna love you, I can't live without you
Eunhyuk: You only need to be close to me
Eunhae: I wanna have you, belong to you
Eunhyuk: I promise that my everything will belong to you.

my lucky day,,,

pada tahun lepas yakni tahun 2010,,,for long time i've never celebrated my birthday after i was in standard 4..erm...i was crying harder at that time,,..sebenarnye aku xtaw pon yg diowg akn sambut birthday aku,,sbb aku piker maybe diowg just wish(dlm hati brhrp,,tp x pew)ngee,,,masa waktu pagi before birthday aku,,,aku rase satu yang aneh antara diowg,,tp aku wat cam biasala maybe mainan perasaan...dan aku rase sedih sedikit xde owg wish aku time 2,,yela mlmnye aku dah nak genap 19 tahun,,,tp xpewla maybe diowg lupe,,,aku pon kdg2 lupe,,,bufday mmbr aku,,heheh..okla,,,aku tggu punye tggu,..xde sapepon,,wishhhhhhhhh,,,uWAAAAAAAAA....pas2 hahahahhahahah,,part ni kLaka,,maybe diowg lupe nak egtkn MASHI..jgn wish dulu,,,sbb lps2 diowg citer,,hehehhe.masa aku dok bareng layan lptp,,mashi dtg,,,"sila..selamat hari laher"aku pon senyum.."sama2",,time 2 berterima kaseh sgt kat mashi sbb diowg frst ucap bufday kat aku,,,sampai ke malam diowg x ade gak yg wish,,tp bkn budak bilek aku....hahhah..mmg aku xperasan lgsg diowg punye prncgn......terbaek r kowg,,aku pon buta tuli ekut mia g bilek mmbr aku lg satu,,,hahhaha,,,rupenye yg kat atas tgh siap sedia,,bahahhahahahah,,pas2 MIA pon ajk balek,,,balek2 jer aku gadoh ngan sape ntah nak nasi goreng,,hahhaha,,time 2 la diowg sambut bufday aku....uwaaaaaa...terharu sgtttttttttttttttttttttttttt,,,,lg terharu ryeosheela,,hehhehehh,,,aku syg kowg sumeeeeee...sbb kowg mengingatkan dan mengembalIkan hari bufday aku sprti fmyly aku wat dulu.....u all like my own family....sbb 2 aku syg kowg sume,,,,,